As you know from my earlier posts, upon leaving the trail at the end of last month, I immediately knew that I needed to return to the trail and continue my hike ASAP.
I am now in coach on an Amtrak train which is winding its way to Chicago. This leg of the trip is just shy of 24 hours. The next leg starts in Chicago and will end in Harper’s Ferry, WV (another 17 hours or so in coach) where I can grab a can of gas for my stove and step foot back on the trail.
No regrets in my decision to leave the trail. It was good to come home and see Danielle and Pixie and Camigirl. I also got to witness the solar eclipse and that was by far one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had.
Anyway, my long, strange trip continues and as I find myself cruising through the wet, swampy lands of east Texas on my slow journey to the east I am reminded again just how fortunate I am to have seen so much of this planet. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to step out of the comfort of being a 53 year old person living in a plush world where life is paid for and always available. Rattling in a train seat for nearly three days will be an experience, but I know already it’s not the hardest challenge I’ll face. I’m returning to the cold, wet, sleep-deprived, body aching world of the trail. As I write this I can only think of how I long to sleep in the dirt again and spend my time taking account of my food supplies and clothing.
Oh well, enough babbling. Thanks for taking a minute to read. Please comment if you wish, it’s always nice to hear from people. Thank you all for your support.
Peace. Love. Hiking. – Elfmeister
One response to “Back to the Trail (Leg 1)”
Interesting pamphlet, if you see something unusual, like my nephew in some hiking leggings or whatever. Yeah not unusual. But maybe the shoes. Happy Trails Guy. Tear it up!!